Volumen 45 - Número 1: 153-158 | 2010
Nota Científica

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Presencia de cepas diarreogénicas de Escherichia coli y estudio de genes de virulencia en aislados desde fecas de dos poblaciones de lobo marino común, Otaria flavescens en el norte de Chile

Paula Salinas C.1, Rubén Moraga M.1*, Edgardo Santander P.1 y Walter Sielfeld K.1

1Departamento de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Arturo Prat, Casilla 121, Iquique, Chile

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This research analyzed the effect of fecal contamination caused by sewage, and its relationship with the presence of enteropathogenic strains of Escherichia coli in the feces of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) from Iquique Bay and surrounding waters. The E. coli strains isolated from the water column of the bay and sewage outlet, showed the presence of the gene eae. In the strains isolated from the feces of both sea lion colonies no presence of virulent diarrheagenic genes was detected. The genotyping of strains resulted in clusters according to their origin and showed separation of the samples of E. coli population of the colonies of sea lions and those of the strains isolated from the column water of Iquique Bay.

Key words: Enteropathogenic, fecal contamination, Iquique Bay

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