Rev. biol. mar. oceanogr. 53(S1): 1-5
Research Note 



Gross morphology of the cephalic sensory canals of Strangomera bentincki (Norman, 1936) (Teleostei: Clupeidae)

Sylvia Sáez1 and Germán Pequeño1

1Instituto de Ciencias Marinas y Limnológicas, Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile

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The anatomy, disposition and extension of the main cephalic sensory canals and associated structures in a clupeiform from Chile, S. bentincki, are provided for first time. Ten cephalic canals were identified: supraorbital, infraorbital, anterorbital, postorbital, preopercular, mandibular, ethmoidal, temporal, postemporal and extrascapular. Due to the scarce literature in sensory structures regarding Chilean Clupeiformes, it is necessary more studies about those features for the respective comparisons to obtain a better understanding of the systematic and comparative ethology of the sardines and to have an integral view of the cephalic sensory system of canals in this order.

Key words: Lateral line, Physostomous, sardines, Chile
