Rev. biol. mar. oceanogr. 48(2): 379-385

Nota Científica

Efecto de la eliminación de la capa adherente de los huevos utilizando enzima proteolítica proteasa y jugo de piña en la larvicultura del botete diana Sphoeroides annulatus

L. Estela Rodríguez-Ibarra1, M. Isabel Abdo-de la Parra1, Gabriela Velasco-Blanco1, Blanca T. González-Rodríguez1, V. Patricia Domínguez-Jiménez1, Noemí García-Aguilar1 y Leonardo Ibarra-Castro1

1Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, A.C., Av. Sábalo-Cerritos S/N, C.P. 82000 Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México

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Recent findings show that eliminating the gelatinous egg capsule surrounding the fertilized eggs of the puffer fish Sphoeroides annulatus improves embryonic development and hatching rate. In this work, the following 3 different desticking procedures were used to evaluate larval growth and survival: 5 ml L-1 proteolytic protease enzyme (EPP), 1% of pineapple juice (JP) and eggs with no sticky coating on the surface as a control (C). All treatments were carried out in triplicate and the experiment lasted for 33 days. The fertilization percentage obtained was 98.6 ± 1.8% in all treatments. The highest hatching percentage was achieved with EPP (93.03 ± 3.01%) and the lowest with JP (80.97 ± 3.97%). Both total length (LT) (14.4 ± 0.40 mm) and weight (P) (0.118 ± 0.004 g) were significantly higher in the JP treatment. The highest survival rate was obtained with EPP (19.34 ± 1.98%) and differences were found to be statistically significant. The desticking of eggs treated with JP gave a low hatching percentage due to the fruits pH reading of 4 and since fewer organisms were produced, higher growth rate was obtained. Thus, we conclude that removing the adhesive layer of the egg does not affect larval growth and survival.

Key words:  Egg adhesiveness, proteolytic enzyme, pineapple, larvae culture, Sphoeroides annulatus
