RBMO 56(2): 89-101
Feeding habits of Paralabrax nebulifer (Serranidae) during reproductive and non-reproductive seasons in an adjacent area to Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico |
Julio Alejandro Ysla-Guzmán1, Xchel Gabriel Moreno-Sánchez1, Martín Oscar Rosales-Velázquez1, Víctor Carrasco-Chávez1 and José Luis Ortíz-Galindo1* |
1Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas (CICIMAR-IPN), Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional s/n, Col. Playa Palo de Santa Rita, C.P. 23096, La Paz, B.C.S., México
El 27 de febrero de 2010, la zona centro-sur de Chile (ca., 34-39°S) fue afectada por un terremoto de magnitud Mw= 8,8, localizándose el epicentro en Cobquecura (ca., 36°S), causando un levantamiento continental en las costas más cercanas a la fosa (i.e., Península de Arauco e Isla Santa María) y subsidencia en áreas costeras localizadas al norte de esas costas (Región del Maule). En este estudio se evaluó la hipótesis de que independientemente del grupo taxonómico, los organismos bentónicos intermareales adheridos al sustrato pueden ser utilizados como indicadores de levantamiento cosísmico continental. La metodología consistió en medir la altura del límite superior de las bandas de distribución de cada especie sobre el nivel de marea baja, a lo largo de la costa afectada por el terremoto. El alga calcárea Lithothamnium sp., el mitílido Perumytilus purpuratus y las macroalgas Mazzaella laminarioides y Lessonia spicata, son organismos bentónicos apropiados para describir el levantamiento continental cosísmico. Se sugiere que en estudios tendientes a evaluar este tipo de procesos tectónicos, se utilice más de una especie para tener una visión completa de tal proceso a lo largo de gradientes de deformación continental. Esto ya que, parte importante de las especies bentónicas de la costa rocosa no tienen distribución continúa, por lo que el uso de una sola especie puede resultar en conclusiones con bajo nivel de generalización.
Palabras clave: Levantamiento continental, organismos bentónicos, subsidencia
The barred sand bass Paralabrax nebulifer is a commercially important fish off the west coast of Baja California Sur. To assess the diet of this species and variations as a function of sex and reproductive condition, 60 specimens were captured using traps during seven seasonal sampling trips from August 2016 to August 2018 in an adjacent area to Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The stomach contents of 50 specimens were obtained (23 males and 27 females). Sex was diagnosed by direct observation of the gonads. Based on the gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index, and histological analyses, the reproductive season of the barred sand bass was corroborated for August 2016, April, August, and September 2017, and August 2018, and the non-reproductive season was corroborated for November 2016 and March 2018. The Index of Relative Importance (IRI) was used to classify the main diet components, which comprised three fish species, seven crustacean species, and one mollusk species. According to the IRI, the South American pilchard Sardinops sagax and the red pelagic crab Pleuroncodes planipes were the prey that contributed the most (55%) to the barred sand bass diet. The ANOSIM showed that there were significant differences in the amount and type of prey consumed by sex; the SIMPER analysis revealed that the species contributing the most to differences between the sexes were S. sagax (16.58%), Euphylax dovii (15.95%), Stenocionops ovata (12%), and P. planipes (11.82%) for females. There were significant differences in the amount and type of prey consumed between types of reproductive season; the species contributing the most to differences between seasons were Anchoa spp. (27.76%), and P. planipes for non-reproductive season (22.67%), and S. sagax (11.08%) for reproductive season. The feeding strategy of the barred sand bass was that of a specialist carnivorous predator that fed mainly on the fish Sardinops sagax during the reproductive season, which supply the dietary nutritional requirements of the lipids HUFA (arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6; eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n-3; docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6n-3), nutrients required to achieve reproductive success. |
Key words: Reproductive seasonality, feeding ecology, Clupeidae, Galatheidae |