RBMO 45 - Suppl. 1: 683-693.


Review of the southern hemisphere fish family Chironemidae (Perciformes: Cirrhitoidei)

Roberto Meléndez1 and Brian S. Dyer2


1Universidad Andres Bello, Facultad de Ecología y Recursos Naturales, Biología Marina, Avda. República 440, Santiago, Chile
2Escuela de Recursos Naturales, Universidad del Mar, Angamos 680, Reñaca, Viña del Mar, Chile

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Chironemidae are marine coastal fishes distributed only in the southern Pacific Ocean, off Australia, New Zealand, Lord Howe Island, Kermadec Island, Norfolk Island and the oceanic islands off northern (San Félix and San Ambrosio Islands) and central Chile (Juan Fernández Archipelago). Recent literature place Chironemidae species in two genera: Chironemus with five species and the monotypic Threpterius maculosus. This paper reviews the Chironemidae and proposes the synonymy of Threpterius with Chironemus based on the molecular and morphological phylogenies. The family Chironemidae was composed of Chironemus bicornis (Chile), C. delfini (Chile), C. georgianus (Australia), C. marmoratus (Australia and New Zealand), C. microlepis (Lord Howe Island, Kermadec Island , Norfolk Islands and Poor Knights Island) and Chironemus maculosus (Australia and New Zealand). A neotype of Chironemus delfini is designated. An artificial key to species is provided. 

Key words: Chironemus, Threpterius, Chile, Australia, New Zealand

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