Rev. biol. mar. oceanogr. 53(2): 171-183
Antagonistic activity of terrestrial Streptomyces sp. VITNK9 against Gram negative bacterial pathogens affecting the fish and shellfish in aquaculture |
Mohammed Ishaque Nabila1 and Krishnan Kannabiran1,* |
1Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Biosciences and Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India |
El 27 de febrero de 2010, la zona centro-sur de Chile (ca., 34-39°S) fue afectada por un terremoto de magnitud Mw= 8,8, localizándose el epicentro en Cobquecura (ca., 36°S), causando un levantamiento continental en las costas más cercanas a la fosa (i.e., Península de Arauco e Isla Santa María) y subsidencia en áreas costeras localizadas al norte de esas costas (Región del Maule). En este estudio se evaluó la hipótesis de que independientemente del grupo taxonómico, los organismos bentónicos intermareales adheridos al sustrato pueden ser utilizados como indicadores de levantamiento cosísmico continental. La metodología consistió en medir la altura del límite superior de las bandas de distribución de cada especie sobre el nivel de marea baja, a lo largo de la costa afectada por el terremoto. El alga calcárea Lithothamnium sp., el mitílido Perumytilus purpuratus y las macroalgas Mazzaella laminarioides y Lessonia spicata, son organismos bentónicos apropiados para describir el levantamiento continental cosísmico. Se sugiere que en estudios tendientes a evaluar este tipo de procesos tectónicos, se utilice más de una especie para tener una visión completa de tal proceso a lo largo de gradientes de deformación continental. Esto ya que, parte importante de las especies bentónicas de la costa rocosa no tienen distribución continúa, por lo que el uso de una sola especie puede resultar en conclusiones con bajo nivel de generalización.
Palabras clave: Levantamiento continental, organismos bentónicos, subsidencia
A total of 72 morphologically different actinomycetes isolates were isolated from samples collected at different regions of Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India and screened for its antibacterial activity against fish and shellfish pathogens. All actinomycetes isolates were screened for antibacterial activity by cross streak method against the selected fish and shellfish bacterial pathogens including Aeromonas caviae, Aeromonas hydroplila, Edwardsiella tarda, Vibrio anguillarum and Vibrio harveyi. Secondary screening of antagonistic isolates by well diffusion method leads to the identification of potential isolate. Culture conditions for the potential isolate were optimized for maximal growth and yield of the ethyl acetate (EA) crude extract. The potential isolate was characterized by molecular taxonomy and phylogeny and identified as Streptomyces species and named as Streptomyces sp. VITNK9. The 16S rDNA nucleotide sequence was searched through the GenBank database and showed 83% similarity to Streptomyces vinaceusdrappus. The EA extract prepared from Streptomyces sp. VITNK9 showed moderate antagonistic activity accessed by the formation of zone of growth inhibition against, Aeromonas caviae (15.33 mm), Aeromonas hydrophila (17.66 mm), Edwardsiella tarda (18.33 mm), Vibrio anguillarum (14.33 mm) and Vibrio harveyi (14.33 mm). The MIC value of EA extract was ranged between 0.03-0.125 mg mL-1. The GC-MS spectrum of the ethyl acetate extract revealed the presence of two major compounds, pyrrolo [1,2-A] pyrazine-1,4-Dione (56.67%) and Hexahydro-3-(2-Methylpropyl) (27.91%), respectively. The results of the study suggest that Streptomyces sp. VITNK9 is a potential source for antagonistic secondary metabolites against fish and shellfish bacterial pathogens. |
Key words: Streptomyces, fish and shellfish pathogens, antibacterial activity, secondary metabolites, phylogenetic analysis |