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Rev. biol. mar. oceanogr. 51(1): 181-185

Nota Científica


Efecto del pH sobre la supervivencia embrionaria, periodo embrionario y de eclosión de Galaxias maculatus

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1, Manuel Escudero1 y Luisa Jara1

1Escuela de Acuicultura, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Av. Rudecindo Ortega 02950 Temuco, Chile

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The southwestern Gulf of California has high-value commercial fisheries; however, there are few studies of the taxonomic diversity of fish in this area. Surveys of taxonomic diversity of the fish assemblage at 8 localities near the shore of Bahía de La Paz were undertaken from March 2002 to April 2003. Seasonal changes in diversity of rocky reef fish were analyzed, including taxonomic distance among fish species, using the alpha, alpha average, beta, and gamma diversity indices, the taxonomic distinctness index (TD D*), and the average taxonomic distinctness index (AvTD D+). Submarine visual censuses were carried out along 48 transects measuring 100 × 5 m (500 m2) at 5 m average depth from 09:00-16:00 h. Two seasons were studied: winter with an average temperature of 22.57°C, and summer with an average temperature of 27.09°C. 24,633 fishes, belonging to 92 species and 67 genera were recorded. According to the alpha average, beta, and gamma diversity indices, August had the highest diversity (19.5, 40.5, and 60 species, respectively), and December had the lowest diversity (20.6, 27.4, and 48 species, respectively). Spatial analysis of TD and AvTD were not significantly different, and analysis by season of these indices was not significant different. Greater anthropogenic impact would cause differences in TD and AvTD found at El Guano compared with other locations.
This study aims to evaluate the effect of pH on embryonic survival of Galaxias maculatus. Embryos were incubated at 6 different pH levels in the water. One-way ANOVA was used to compare averages between treatments and Tukey test to determine  post hoc differences. The Probit regression was used to estimate the embryonic and the hatching period. Embryos survive pH from 5 to 11 and die at pH extremes 3 and 13. The best average survival rates were obtained at neutral pH (78.7 ± 1.2) and as the pH decreases away from embryonic survival 7 embryonic survival decreases. In conclusion, pH is an important factor to consider for the production of larval G. maculatus.

Key words: Pisciculture, embryos, incubation, pH tolerance
